En este momento estás viendo Synergy with IES Fuente Juncal
Synergy with IES Fuente Juncal

Synergy with IES Fuente Juncal


The highschool Fuente Juncal, in Aljaraque, is located in a nearby village, around 8 km from our centre.They have been granted a project, a grant and 10 kits with Arduino. Inma, the Technology teacher. – They are starting with the younger ones, 12-13 year-olds at 1 ESO, 1st year of Compulsory Secondary Education where they upload their practices: 

Padlet page with project robotics practices 1ESO E

Padlet with project practices 1ESO D

In the 4th course of Compulsory Secondary Education, as part of their Technology subject, they are also using Arduino. As a way, not only to disseminate our KA226 We are Ready for Digital World, but also to share experiences at al local/provincial level, we have established contacts and share experiences.

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