Synergy with «Pacto Verde»
Pacto Verde, Green Deal: Europe’s future depends on a healthy planet. EU countries are committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, delivering on the commitments under the Paris Agreement. The…
Pacto Verde, Green Deal: Europe’s future depends on a healthy planet. EU countries are committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, delivering on the commitments under the Paris Agreement. The…
"EramusDays" is a campaign to celebrate ERASMUS+ at a European and global level, which takes place on October 13, 14 and 15, 2022, to value the benefits of Europe by…
It is a world wide event which we celebrate at school every year. Particularly, on 13, 14, 15, October 2022, the whole school gathered together. Teachers and students prepared presentations…
A leaflet provides information about the project in an easy-to-read and visually appealing format. There is a QR code to the Webpage and another link to eTwinning. Leaflet-KA226-E-1Download
Teachers' Training Course: "Build your apps. Teach your students to build their apps". Dublin 11-16 July 2022 Carmen F Nevado and Pilar Carmona, have taken a course as part of…
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