Synergy with STEAM Project
The STEAM project On 23 July 2021 Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía published la Resolución de 16 de julio de 2021, de la Dirección General de Formación del…
The STEAM project On 23 July 2021 Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía published la Resolución de 16 de julio de 2021, de la Dirección General de Formación del…
A- Apps that dynamize the class. -Apps I -Apps II -Apps III B- Sharing experiences at mobilities. -Presentations to other teachers at school A. Apps that dynamize the class: We…
Partners' videocalls 12 Dec 2022 and 16 Jan 2023 Thanks to Dainora, Lina, Xenia and their respective students for their last week activity. The lesson included the creation of interactive…
WordPress Apart from other ways to share and disseminate the project, including eTwinning, which unluckily crashed a few months ago, Ana Gutiérrez created a WordPress site. Her own students at…
Ankidroid is a programme which makes remembering things easy. It works with flash card decks and it can support images, audio, videos, etc. Endless possibilities to learn languages, geography, medicine…
KA 101: Teaching and Learning for Entrepreneurship and KA 122: ICT are aimed at short-term mobility projects for students and staff in school education. For a teacher, taking ICT…