En este momento estás viendo C5: Tetovo, North Macedonia 14-18 Nov 2022
C5: Tetovo, North Macedonia 14-18 Nov 2022

C5: Tetovo, North Macedonia 14-18 Nov 2022

KA 226: We Are Ready for Digital World, 5th Mobility to Kirill Pejcinovic School

Welcome in “Kirill Pejcinovik”highschool, meeting Headmistress Mrs. Teuta Llalla.Visiting facilities.

Antonio, Carlos & Alejandro

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Mon 14 November

  • Students presentations about Tetovo and their school.
  • PowerPoint presentation by students, in English, about Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare‘s works.

  • Apps used during online lessons
  • The Booklet, information about the school

Tuesday 15 November

  • Presentations about Albanian and Spanish musicians. Guitar and Keyboard concert.
  • Working with students in their Music class with Manuel de Falla as a protagonist.
Spanish teacher, Antonio

Meeting with partners to share knowlewdge about both educational systems, teacher’s working conditions and the importance of the Erasmus + programmes.

Alejandro is organizing Video call activities between partner countries and dealing with grant issues.

Thursday 17 November

Visiting ILPP, Institute for Leadership and Public Policy

Lecture and debate on how ILPP participates in EU projects. Tetovo in the lead in the field of education, in cooperation with US and UK embassies, and business, handling grants, intermediaries, etc.

Friday 18 November

Activities with IT teachers in the school “C++ program”. Tic-Tac-Toe. Iksipiksi. FingPong, games created with the programmes.

Cultural visits:

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