En este momento estás viendo C3: Huelva, Spain.

C3: Huelva, Spain.

Digital Educational Games, Mobile Apps.


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17 October

  • Cyber security issues by Antonio Vázquez
  • Discord and Google Maps presentations by IT students

18 October

  • Visit to the Mining area, Rio Tinto


Video at Rio Tinto:


Afternoon meeting;

Afternoon KA226 Project meeting session

19 October

  • Paddlet presentation on Splid, Trello, Flipgrid, Duolingo by Carmen Nevado


  • Trello:
  • Scratch presentation by Antonio Vázquez
  • App Inventor by Inercia Digital
  • Meeting Pacto Verde representatives, one of them, Marta:

The European Green Pact is a package of policy initiatives aimed at setting the EU on the path towards a green transition, with the ultimate goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

There will be a synergy between our KA 226 and Pacto Verde KA210. ‘Drone Pilots as an Answer to Green Youth Employability’. New Technologies and Environment. Antonio, who is a drone pilot, will travel to Tallin, Estonia with three B2 English level female students from IES San Sebastián to foster Women in Science.

The main objectives are to (1) promote the digitalisation of the environmental sector through the use of drones; (2) promote the understanding of the relationship between digitalisation and environmental challenges; (3) raise awareness on environmental protection; (4) provide young people with the necessary skills and methodologies to combat environmental challenges; and (5) provide young people with updated skills to get a green job.

20 October

Visiting La Lonja:

Coordinators Meeting
  • Post on Twitter. Visit La Lonja, Innovation Centre (Port of Huelva)
  • Encounter at University, Huelva
  • Post on University website, Faculty of Labour Science:


21 October

Farewell breakfast and certificate delivery:

Assessment questionnaire to partners about the mobility:


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