En este momento estás viendo C1: Bubai, Lithuania 6-10 December 2021
C1: Bubai, Lithuania 6-10 December 2021

C1: Bubai, Lithuania 6-10 December 2021

A Study of the Use of Web 2 Tools.

Programme for the mobility in Lithuania:

The following issues have been dealt with:

  • How Lithuanian students survived the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Web 2 Tools
  • Minecraft education workshop
  • Merge Edu platform
  • Workshops at Siauliai Young Tecnicians Center
  • Implementation of activities
  • Questionnaires
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5th December. Flying to Lithuania:

Greek and Spanish Delegations:

Turkish Delegation:

Everything covered in snow but the warmest welcome:

At school, at last:

After presentations, working sessions:

Students move to a different class in order to work in teams! Two or three teaches accompany them !!!

At a workshop:

Merge Cube workshop:

Other workshops:


Time to chill out!


8 Dec 21,

A videocall from our travelling partners to check the dates for next mobilities:

Sunny but freezing day…  

Rushing through the snow, on tiny red sledge…… laughing all the way!!!

In the meanwhile…. Carmen working on eTwinning!

After the mobility:

Teachers brought some material, «Realia«, to be used in class with our students.

Creating a QR code, students can relate insects under study in Natural Science with Tangram pieces used in a creative way. Natural Science, Art and English used at a time.

 Another of the Teaching/ Learning Activities consisted in using the Merge Cube to study the anatomy of bugs. We have also acquired some to be used with 12-year-old students at 1 year of CSE:

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