A12: WordPress, website of KA226
WordPress Apart from other ways to share and disseminate the project, including eTwinning, which unluckily crashed a few months ago, Ana Gutiérrez created a WordPress site. Her own students at…
WordPress Apart from other ways to share and disseminate the project, including eTwinning, which unluckily crashed a few months ago, Ana Gutiérrez created a WordPress site. Her own students at…
As a synergy with one of our school projects, "Cinema in the Classroom", students at Business Administration and Finance performed communicative situations to work speaking skills in English. A video…
KA 226: We Are Ready for Digital World, 5th Mobility to Kirill Pejcinovic School Welcome in “Kirill Pejcinovik”highschool, meeting Headmistress Mrs. Teuta Llalla.Visiting facilities. Antonio, Carlos & Alejandro Mon 14…
Pacto Verde, Green Deal: Europe’s future depends on a healthy planet. EU countries are committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050, delivering on the commitments under the Paris Agreement. The…
Digital Educational Games, Mobile Apps. Schedule: 17 October Cyber security issues by Antonio Vázquez Discord and Google Maps presentations by IT students 18 October Visit to the Mining area, Rio…
Planning the Mobility in Huelva Trello is the visual tool that empowers your team to manage any type of project, workflow, or task tracking. Add files, checklists, or even automation:…