Virtual Goggles
Trying brand new googles with "Videogames" VET students. Activities making use of VR will be carried out from now on.
Trying brand new googles with "Videogames" VET students. Activities making use of VR will be carried out from now on.
"Together we Tackle Environmental Issues" Manuel Mora, IT teacher, is in charge of elaborating an app or web site to classify local seashells.This will establish a synergy with our KA…
The STEAM project On 23 July 2021 Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía published la Resolución de 16 de julio de 2021, de la Dirección General de Formación del…
Although in most of the cases we are self-taught professionals, who research or use the trial and error technique. In this section, we are stating different training courses done by…
KA 226: We Are Ready for Digital World, 4th Mobility: How VR and AR technologies are used and adapted at schools. Previous works before the mobility: We decided that…
A- Apps that dynamize the class. -Apps I -Apps II -Apps III B- Sharing experiences at mobilities. -Presentations to other teachers at school A. Apps that dynamize the class: We…