En este momento estás viendo Tech trends for Retails

Tech trends for Retails

We are facing an omnichannel customer that demands personalized experiences. Therefore, our challenge must be to be able to predict consumer behavior and the possibility of satisfying these needs in a simple way and at the time the user demands.

Technology has become responsible for making all this possible, and the following are the ones that will shape the future of the retail sector.


Students have worked Technology Applied to the Retail Sector workshops in their Digital Marketing module, academic year 22/23

How to write ChatGPT prompts for e-commerce?

There’s no denying that social media is an incredibly effective way to connect with potential customers. And while it’s easy to post about your latest sale or promotion, adding interesting chat prompts can increase engagement and lead to more sales. Writing good chat prompts for e-commerce can be difficult, but it’s a breeze with some practice


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