The project impacts are designed so that they can be measured objectively. At the beginning of the project, the project participants has been subjected to a needs analysis questionnaire and digital readiness test. This project needs analysis questionnaire and digital readiness test is a standard scale consisting of the same type of content for all project partner schools.
This survey will be repeated at the end of the project. The difference between the results of the two surveys will be used as a measure to evaluate the success of the project.
This questionnaire and test results are noted for each participant. At the end of the project, the same questionnaires and tests will be made to the participants again and the objective change in the questionnaires and tests applied at the beginning and at the end of the project will be an objective indicator in measuring the impact of the project.
A draft of the initial questionnaire was prepared as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the starting point, our needs; to share experiences; to justify our project.
Every partner country prepared a set of about 5 possible questions to be included. After being looked into by the coordinating country, the Spanish team got set to work!
After working on it and deciding on the most suitable type of questions, a Google Forms version was issued to see the outcome.
It is a questionnaire for both teachers and students, which includes student achievements in schools and student attitudes towards lessons.