Although in most of the cases we are self-taught professionals, who research or use the trial and error technique. In this section, we are stating different training courses done by project teachers, which help us carryout the wide range of activities scheduled as well as serve as a guideline for other teachers and partner institutions. The objective is to become digitally competent.
A. Training Courses
B. Self-training
Hereby, a relation of teachers and courses:
Teacher: Cinta Fernández Villegas
- Collaborative Methodologies to improve collaborative learning and teambuilding 15/05/2016 Learner – 80 hours
- FLIPPED CLASSROOM 06/04/2018 Learner – 40 hours
- Fundments and implementation of Project work in the classroom 20/02/2019 Learner- 21 hours
- Digital Artifacts creation at CSE31/05/2019 Coordinator/ Lecturer – 30 hours
- Use of Moodle plataform 15/05/2020 Lecturer – 15 hours
- Basic Digital Tools to teach online 14/06/2020 Lecturer – 30 hours
- Erasmus Programmes KA2 31/08/2020 Learner- 35 hours
- Cinema in the Classroom online course and School Project 2022/23.
Teacher: Ana Gutiérrez
1. eCommerce at VET: May 2019. Dropshipping, plugin & webdesign.
2. Smartphone Learning and Augmented Reality: Dec 2019. Bloom’s Taxonomy. Web 2.0 Tools.
3. Moodle Platform Advanced: April 2020.
4. Advertising & Marketing software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign: Dec 2020.
5. Advertising eXeLearning, virtual class material elaboration: Dec 2020.
6. Digital Marketing for Teachers: febr 2021. SEO positioning, Google advertising, online marketing, social media, WordPressto, webpages.
7. Vocational Training Digitalization. Work environments: Frebr 2022. Google Drive, Classroom, Gmail, Calendar, Meet and their integration in Moodle. Foster innovation and digitalization.
Teacher: Carmen F Nevado
1. Setting up, Maintenance of Educational Weblog– 40 hours. June 2009.
2. The Integrated Curriculum of Languages– 20 hours: April 2010.
3. Blended Learning for Adults– 10 hours: Nov 2010.
4. Social Media and New Ways to Represent/Communicate– 30 hours. UNIA Tetuán, Morocco: July 2012.
5. Teaching through Moodle Platform (online)- 60 hours: January 2012
6. The Interactive Digital Whiteboard– 15 hours: May 2013.
7. Moodle in Action: How to integrate Moodle in the Classroom- 20 hours. KA 101 London, UK: March 2016
8. E-mprover. Innovative Tools for VET Learners with Inercia Digital. Perugia, Italy 2019.
9. Digital Education Transformation Plan– 35 hours: Dec-May 2021.
10. Jobshadowing. Working the European Dimenssion. KA 101 Valongo, Portugal May 2021.
11. Security and Risks at Work- ANTEA Consejería de Educación. Online Zoom 24 May 2022.
12. Build your own apps- App Inventor– Europass Teacher Academy, Dublin 11-16 July 2022.
Teacher: Carlos Ortiz Mingorance
1. Digital Tools Applied to Design and Setting up of Shopwindows– 20 hours: June 2017. Corel Draw to design images.
2. e-Commerce– 30 hours: May 2019. Strategies, Marketing online, Dropshipping, Google Analytics, KPI, create an online shop.
3. Educational Use of Moodle Platform– 20 hours: April 2020
4. Digital Education Transformation Plan– 35 hours: Dec-May 2021. Moodle Qualification sheet, Scorm Packets, H5P.
5. Digitalization for VET. Class dynamics: Febr 2022. Google classroom, Ed Puzzle, Pear Deck, Google Earth, Podcast.
Teacher: Carmen Ruiz
- Emotional Intelligence and school teambuilding– 120 hours: year 2018. Rey Juan Carlos University.
- Incorporation and Application of New Technologies at schools– 120 hours. Rey Juan Carlos University: year 2018
- Moodle Platform for Teachers. Creating eXeLearning Content- 100 hours: year 2020. Antonio de Nebrija University.
- Higher Education Course on Internacionalization Strategies and Techniques– 450 hours. Escuela de Organización Industrial: year 2006.
- Higher aeducation Course on International Commerce and Management– Institto Español de Comercio Exterior Y Cámara de Comercio- 2018.
- C2 in Italian PLIDA– Societá Dante Alighieri 2017 (Rome).
- B1 in French- Official School of Languages EOI 2017.
- C1 in English– 2020
Teacher: Domingo Mora
- Development of profesional Technical Videos– 120 hours: year 2021. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
- Didactic Schedule: Assessment in FP– 30 hours: year 2020. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
- Exelearning Micro Workshop – 5 hours: year 2019. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
- FP: IT GOVERNANCE, Digital Identity and Web Security. 20 hours: year 2019. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
- FP: Adobe indesign Workshop. 15 hours: year 2019. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
- Arduino – 21 hours: year 2019. CEP Huelva-Isla Cristina.
Teacher: Alejandro Vázquez
1. Initiation to Cybersecurity in the Diditalization of Productive Sectors– 20 hours: CEP 13 may-15 June 2022. Online
Teacher: Olga López Frenández
1. Initiation to Cybersecurity in the Diditalization of Productive Sectors– 20 hours: CEP 13 may-15 June 2022. Online
Teacher: Antonio Vázquez
1. Digital Tools for VET Teachers I – Online, 2021-2022
2. Digital Tools for VET Teachers II – Online, 2021-2022
3. AWS Academy Cloud Foundations 2.0 for Professional Development
4. Initiation to Cybersecurity in the Diditalization of Productive Sectors– 20 hours: CEP 13 may-15 June 2022. Online
Teacher: Carmen F Nevado
– eTwinning Platform:
KA 229 The Art of Recycling and Reuse blog site.
KA 226 We are Ready for Digital World blog site.
– Moodle Platform:
H5P activities, Qualification sheet, activities to work the 4 skills,
Questionnaires, Meet room.
– Flipgrid Platform:
Creating a classroom and topics for students to uload videos and interact.
– Popplet: Mind maps
– H5P interactive contents.
Teacher: Carlos Ortiz Mingorance
– Genially, Nearpod and Goconqr. Self training through Internet for their application in the classroom: presentations, mind maps, virtual games.
Teacher: Domingo Mora
– AnkiMobile /AnkiWeb. Self training through Anki. Anki is a powerful, intelligent flashcard program that is free, multi-platform, and open-source.
– Moodle Platform:
H5P activities, Qualification sheet, activities to work the 4 skills,
Questionnaires, Meet room.